Originally Posted by Paul Vusik
I don’t read much news or watch news anymore for a while, so I saw an email this morning in my inbox that we have a new “Ministry of Truth” established, which will fight to bring truth and override the false or incomplete narrative. So if it can be done in real world, why shouldn’t RV follow suit? Can you imagine how many more conference centers would be purchased by LSM? Sounds like a win win situation.
I hope that new establishment be a bit more transparent about their sources, and not claim that they also have a special Oracle to determine what that truth is.
Fascist and Marxist regimes always have a “Ministry of Truth,” which is really just propaganda to deceive their people. The current administration is doing the same. Kind of scary. Apart from the Scripture and the Spirit within, no one should decide for us what is true and what is truth.
On a reduced scale LSM also operates as the “Ministry of Truth” for their people. This forum was designed primarily to combat LSM’s misleading propaganda and help the reader to know the truth. I have found that interactive public correspondence on a forum such as this is the best way to render personal assistance to those caught in this system of error wishing to break thru the fog of deception.