Originally Posted by Ohio
Both the Brethren and the Recovery views of MOTA (probably built upon the Protestant) of the Apostleship of James are pejorative. James, the brother of the Lord, and not one of the Twelve, is even viewed by some as a fraud. The MOTA view of an Apostle is almost singularly based on Paul, with the later addition of John.
For James, you could look at the Life Study of James.
In the eyes of the Lord’s Recovery, the book of James teaches an incorrect teaching & James missed the “vision of God’s Economy”. The idea that your faith bears fruit (works) doesn’t fit their interpretation. Also, because James starts his letter by saying “the 12 tribes in dispensation” Witness Lee uses that to show that James didn’t see the gentiles were also apart of the church.
This view totally ignores that James was written before Acts 15 which is the Jerusalem Council. An event that the church leaders gathered together for to determine how Jews and gentiles should integrate into the Church.
It’s another classic case of Lee approaching the text with his presuppositions, and casting his interpretation onto the text. Making it say things it’s not saying.