Originally Posted by gr8ful
Paul, I am confused. When I mentioned my appreciation for careful critique, I was referring to this quote from your post:
But then calling it derived from Eastern religions contradicts this. Did you not write the above excerpt? I'm confused.
I'll just say this, "the Jesus Prayer" and repetitiously chanting texts (like pray-reading) both pre-date the introduction of "Eastern Religious practices" in the West. Calling them "Eastern" is just not true.
The post that you referred to, is mine and I did write that. So the misunderstanding is not on your part but mine. I was responding to the previous post, which mentions “Eastern mantras”, and it was I that misread it as Easter mantras. So, it’s is my fault.
So to clear it up hopefully, I’ll just separate the two topics:
Regarding pray reading:
Besides Eastern Orthodox Church, which does do some repetition of Lord’s Prayer, and other Psams and things, they don’t do it as the LC. Also the Charismatic Movement has/had some sprinklings of it here and there. So I know you said that it pre dates this in the West, so maybe if you have a post or can point to whom else that you know that practice this type of Bible reading. I don’t really believe that this practice is anything more that another way they use it to take people away from actually understanding and focusing on what the Word of God says, rather to have an experience of some sorts, and go on to reading their interpretations of what they think it should mean for them.
And on Calling on the lord practice, as iit is done in LC, it comes directly from Eastern meditation teachings, such as Hinduism, Buddhism and some traces to the world of occult, and not from anywhere else. Just my opinion and conclusion.