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Old 04-27-2022, 07:37 AM   #30
Paul Vusik
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 196
Default Re: Recovery bible = corrupted word of God!

Originally Posted by Bible-believer View Post
RV Chinese version is even worse. Lots of "re-defined" terms. Most of the Chinese promote RV to a great extent, almost equating it to "the Original." I wonder how many of them know Greek or Hebrew.
I have a close friend from LC who told me more than once that she wanted to be a martyr to be an overcomer.
I’m very glad that I don’t speak or read Chinese, just for the sake of sanity alone. Just reading their English RV, has plenty of things to move you away from the real, living Word of God. So they can keep drinking that Koolaid, or “Leeaid”, but I’ll just stick with what is simple, understandable, and living.

There are plenty of examples in history, where people died in crusades, and denied themselves everything, including total abandonment of all family and society, for what? Just to show to the world how spiritually devoted they are, and so that others can use them as an example. After all, if I understand my Bible correctly, is it the same Apostle John that wrote about overcomers in Revelations, wrote about “overcoming” in 1 John 2? There are plenty of things addressed in that chapter that should be spoken and proclaimed today, rather than the total brainwashing and disabling scam teachings, perpetuated and sold by the LC.
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis
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