Originally Posted by Ohio
But if you desire to claim any version is “God's preserved word,” then please select the Greek, since God wrote in Greek. Also, you can then read the Septuagint, which is oft quoted in the NT, rather than the Hebrew OT.
First, I said I "believe. "
Men who know the origin of Septuagint would not quote it. Well, of course, except to prove it is wrong.
Second, "select Greek, since God wrote in Greek", adopt your saying, then "too bad" for people who don't know Greek.

(By the way, Greek is not a global language, but English is. )
As I know, KJV is from the Textus Receptus (Latin for “Received Text”), and the Textus Receptus has been translated into different languages, the German, and Chinese versions included.
What is the Textus Receptus