Originally Posted by Bible-believer
I believe KJV is God's preserved word. Even though I am still in LC, I don't use the RV.
If the KJV is “God’s preserved word,” then too bad for Spanish, Chinese, Ghanese, or any one else who never learned Shakespearean English from a half millennium ago. I am hard pressed to consider why God would place such a demand on mankind. Remember that the KJV was the “authorized” version by decree of the king of England and his flunkies after him. I’m not dissing the version, just providing perspective.
Please -
”Suffer the little children …”
But if you desire to claim any version is “God's preserved word,” then please select the Greek, since God wrote in Greek. Also, you can then read the Septuagint, which is oft quoted in the NT, rather than the Hebrew OT.