Originally Posted by gr8ful
Paul, these may be unconventional English translations, but they do have a basis in the Greek manuscripts.
Eis, "in or into" : https://biblehub.com/greek/1519.htm
Alethia: "Truth or reality" : https://biblehub.com/greek/225.htm ("truth, but not merely truth as spoken; truth of idea, reality, sincerity...")
You can certainly fault TLR for many things, but sometimes a translation is just a translation, not a corruption.
I urge caution in accusing people of things that can be objectively shown to be untrue, or at least open to interpretation. Keep punching on the main problems, the clear issues. Keeps the focus on the big picture.
I appreciate your input, and I do to some extent see your point of view. I stated this thread not as a accusation of sorts, but more of just a comparison between the two versions. I should have probably put a few question marks after my title of the thread, but it is what it is.
I for one have a very hard time believing that you can read two different bible and get very different meanings from text. Can the Word of God be so different? Can it sometimes mean opposite or close to that? I just cannot see how that’s possible. Both cannot be right, or we just don’t have anything to rely on. So I apologize that this might offend someone. They can compare for themselves and see if they can make it out the difference.
I’m also am aware that they have been translated from different manuscripts, as far as I understand. You can correct me if I’m wrong on this. But I’m pretty sure of it. I know the manuscripts that were used to translate KJV, and you can also get a lot of the people, names, processes, that went into that translation, but there is really no information or very little besides “Lee and LSM staff”.
I know there are a lot of people out there that denounce KJV Bible, because it has association with King James, but I’m not one of those. I spend a lot of time studying about the manuscripts, comparing which Bibles are translated from where, and prayed for the Lord to show me and lead me to the right one. I feel that it’s something that people need to do. All Bibles are not equal as I was told before, and after spending 12 years using recovery version, I can safely stand on that statement.
Again, I will reiterate that’s ether it’s corrupt or purposely translated to mislead people, to me makes no difference. All that I’m trying to do is to show how big of the difference there is between the two. I was recently reading Bible with my wife, and while I was reading out of KJV, and she was out of RV, I couldn’t believe how many times we stopped and compared the two on how much different it is.