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Old 04-07-2022, 08:23 AM   #181
Matt Anderson
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 155
Default Re: Prophecy - The End Times

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Matthew 27:52-53
And the graves were opened. Then many bodies of the saints that slept arose. They came out of the graves after His resurrection and went into the city and appeared to many.

The scriptures don’t say what became of the risen saints but I personally believe when Jesus ascended, they did too. Otherwise how could these people who saw them and most likely spoke with them, truly believe in the resurrection of Jesus had they died again? Not everyone saw Jesus ascend after all.
I think these verses are often overlooked when thinking about rapture. I think they do set some context, but I don't think they specifically address rapture. I have felt that they are part of the fulfillment of the "feasts of the Lord". The connection between Christ's 1st and 2nd coming and the "feasts of the Lord" was something I read from someone years ago. I think there is a strong connection. The OT presents 7 feasts. Four feasts in the spring time. Three feasts in the fall.

Based on the New Testament authors, the 4 spring feasts appear to be exactly fulfilled by the events of Jesus' death, resurrection and giving of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. I think the three fall feasts (trumpets, day of atonement, tabernacles/booths) foreshadow things about Jesus' second coming. In the spring, the 3rd feast is the "feast of firstfruits". I think that Jesus was the firstfruit (being resurrected from the dead first) and I think these ones seen in Jerusalem were also firstfruits. (I think it is important to note that the dead seen in Jerusalem were from the Old Testament age and yet they were resurrected in some fashion either temporarily or for transport to a new location).

I also agree with you that it is seems they probably ascended with Jesus to heaven. I am guessing that the good part of "paradise" moved from the heart of the earth to somewhere in heaven until the time of Jesus' second coming. This is my conjecture, but it is what I have come to lean towards in my thinking.

For several of your other verse references, I will be bringing them in my next post(s) and sharing my thoughts on them.

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