Originally Posted by countmeworthy
Carol here.
As I see it, the mandatory masks and mandatory vaccines ARE a precursor to being able to buy and sell with only the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:16-17. These mandate masks and mandate vaccines are test runs if you ask me. For almost 2 years we could not enter a store or restaurant without wearing a mask. Many employers let go employees who refused to get a vaccine.
I know people who are still paralyzed with fear even after they have been fully, double and tripled vaccinated.
It was/is a huge red flag of what is to come.
I never understood how the mark of the beast was going to be enforced. It is very obvious now. You induce fear and control the masses who then obey the powers that be, “the kings of the earth” with no questions asked.
Those that refuse will suffer consequences.
100% speculation. You have no basis in Scripture. Illogical.
It is these baseless assertions that bring a bad name to the faith.