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Old 03-24-2022, 07:08 PM   #138
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Prophecy - The End Times

Originally Posted by Matt Anderson View Post
End Times Prophecy

How I approach and handle End Times prophetic subjects now (versus earlier in my life)

This post is the least relevant post about the actual subjects of End Times prophecy, but I feel it is essential to lay a little ground work for what I am starting to share.

Like most people, I WANT TO KNOW. I want to have knowledge and I want my knowledge to be correct. Given this natural disposition, it used to be my goal to study, figure things out and come to a point of view that I claimed as my own……

……In summary, there are many things about End Times prophecy that I do not understand. I have a shadowy image as presented through Scripture and I am completely dependent on relating to God and listening to Him to understand any further. In my experience, God has only made things clearer to me when I needed them to be clearer. He has not satisfied many aspects of my curiosity or interest to know. So, I know I have to continue to be connected to Him related to the End Times.

First of all…nice to “see” you here after a very long time.

2ndly…I truly was captivated reading your posts.

And to everyone else, starting with Nell, Thank you all for posting and sharing.
I am so glad this topic is up for discussion as we ARE living in the END TIMES.

Muchos blessings be upon all.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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