Originally Posted by Nell
Thank you for your opinion. However, in case you missed the point of the sidebar quotes by Lee, Nee, et al, one goal of this forum is to expose the fallacies of the "ministry" of Lee and Nee. What better way to do that than to highlight them for all to see, scrutinize and verify the veracity of these quotes?
Great points
On a related note, I don't think we have ever examined how the teachings of Nee/Lee have changed for the worse following unrepentant sins. No minister is exempt from repenting for sins, and history shows us how far downward a minister can descend after covering up and hiding sins, rather than repenting and taking ownership for them. Many, many Christian ministers start out good, but sadly get lifted up after God blesses their work, feeling they have become about scrutiny, only to sin and have their minions protect them from responsibility. (Ravi Z. was just the latest high profile case.)
E.G. #1: Nee was disciplined by the church in Shanghai for immorality in 1942, but after 6 years Lee had that discipline reversed.
Look what happened! Nee came back, not as a humbled servant, but as a demigod, an authoritarian church despot. He demanded all to "hand over," reaping a cash whirlwind. He taught about "deputy authority" erroneously using the types of Noah and Moses so that his elevated status could never again be questioned.
E.G. #2: Lee had long covered up the sexual sins of his son Philip, and then publicly assaulted the whistleblowers (Max Rapoport, John Ingalls et. al.) who simply demanded culpability in order to protect the children of God.
Look what happened! Lee then went on to teach more about deputy authority, spiritual judgment, and flip-flopped in order to promote his "high peak" teachings to promote "God became man to make man God." Who then in the system would dare to request accountability from a minister who supposedly had become a God-Man?