Re: The Origin of Angels OR Stan Lee did not write the Bible.
The question of origin(s), or when and where, angels come/came from, what about what angels are made of. Are they a substance?
I might say that angels are made of imagination(s) - except - when angels act on something or someone. Then, to be sure, angels are made of some kind of hard substance, that can affect the material world ; in a good or bad way, depending on the type of angel, such as the misnomer 'Angel of Death'.
Those that obsess with the need for Bible answers, when it comes to angels, will be disappointed. Turns out that not only is God ineffable, so are angels.
I searched the RSV for how many times angels are mentioned. I came up with 203 times. That seems a lot, except when compared the total of words in the Bible, which is 783,137 words. 203 will go into that number 3,857 times.
So where is the first time an angel is mentioned in the books of the Bible? That would be Genesis of course ; concerning Sarai, Hagar, and Ishmael, in Gen 16.
I can't go into all of it, but will mention that in the NT the book of Acts mentions angel 20 times.
But the book of Revelation takes the cake, the whole cake, as in the whole Bible, by mentioning angel 54 times.
But it never explains the origin, or any of the details, such as the substance angels are made of, and certainly not why there are only male angels.
I've never met an angel. But just tonight, I talked to a man that said he had recently seen angels.
It is said that 80% of Americans believe in angels. But modern angels are often considered female. Those are imagined angels, if we hold to the Bible.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.