Originally Posted by Raptor
Putin? the Antichrist? No way. Read about the 10 horns in Daniel 7, they need to come first. 10 Kingdoms out of which Antichrist comes. Where are the ten kings today? Not here yet.
Putin is NOT that strong, attractive, cunning, able, or powerful to be the Antichrist. And he is definately NOT deceiving most of the world. There have been many worse than him.
Agreed. Good points, Raptor. The Antichrist will initially be considered the savior of the [western] world. Israel will consider him the long-awaited Messiah. Thugs like Putin, however, may help set the stage for his arrival on the world scene. NATO may be the visible strength of his military power. The current weaknesses in WashDC may transfer the real western leadership to Europe real soon, since they are on record saying our top global “threat” is white supremacy and the use of proper pronouns.