Originally Posted by Ohio
Great points, Paul. Totally agree with you.
I remember Née/Lee’s comments on the 7 churches in Revelation, “all the differences between the churches were negative.” Repeated a million times. But read again. The differences between the churches were also POSITIVE. The Lord commended the churches positively too.
The underlying message in the ministry of Née/Lee is control and manipulation. Differences, like the diverse gifts given to each member, are a threat to their power structure.
Spiritual Communism, is a deadly plague! It hasn’t worked in the real world as a system, nor will it ever work in the church, or under the calling of “church”. Just like in the world, it may look good for awhile outside, but eventually it will implode from inside, because people will realize that they are being used to fulfill someone else’s desires and dreams, at the expense of themselves and their family and children. They will end up standing like a hungry, destroyed sheep, in front of the broken trough, with nothing to show for the decades waisted on building the “ark”, that doesn’t float.