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Old 02-27-2022, 08:25 AM   #313
Paul Vusik
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 196
Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Thanks for the clarifications. I had forgotten how everyone in TLR dressed alike, spoke alike, clenched their fists when testifying. Back in my day, people testified not “prophesied”.

I was merely thinking as true believers in Christ we should not call ourselves Baptists, Catholics, TLR, etc…. We are true believers learning, growing and maturing. We should be lights in the dark. In heaven or in the New Jerusalem, we are not going to be asking each other “what denomination were you in?”

My response to the quote was kind of not what you where asking in your questions, but my own personal thoughts. When I saw the quote on Wednesday, it didn’t sit well with me, and I didn’t have time during a week to respond, so I saved it.

To comment on what you asking, I’m in the line of thinking that there shouldn’t be people who are just for the sake of superiority and some secondary issues divide the body of Christ into Baptist, Pentecost, Anglican, etc. There is one body, and what’s great is that Christ is the Head, and these self appointed gurus that think they are the necks that hold the head, and can move and twist it whichever way they think is going to fit their ideology, are just delusional.
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis
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