Originally Posted by Ohio
Great points, Paul. Totally agree with you.
I remember Née/Lee’s comments on the 7 churches in Revelation, “all the differences between the churches were negative.” Repeated a million times. But read again. The differences between the churches were also POSITIVE. The Lord commended the churches positively too.
The underlying message in the ministry of Née/Lee is control and manipulation. Differences, like the diverse gifts given to each member, are a threat to their power structure.
Thanks for the clarifications. I had forgotten how everyone in TLR dressed alike, spoke alike, clenched their fists when testifying. Back in my day, people testified not “prophesied”.
I was merely thinking as true believers in Christ we should not call ourselves Baptists, Catholics, TLR, etc…. We are true believers learning, growing and maturing. We should be lights in the dark. In heaven or in the New Jerusalem, we are not going to be asking each other “what denomination were you in?”