»Wednesday Feb 23 Watchman Nee:
Once we are in the church, we should not have any distinction outside of Christ. Everyone stands on new ground. There is no place for superiority or inferiority. We must eliminate the denominational and sectarian thoughts from our hearts. If we do this, there will be no division in the meeting of the church of God and in the fellowship between the saints. We have to pay attention to these matters in the meeting, and we have to live out such a life in our daily walk.
While I believe wholeheartedly in this truth, I have never experienced it myself nor do I know anyone or any group of believers who ever did or do so now. So, when did Watchman Nee or his protege Witness Lee ever practice this concept of the church?🤔
How different is the Lord’s Recovery different from denominations or non denominations in their operations?
May our Great God and KING of Glory have exceedingly great mercy on His people.