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Old 02-02-2022, 01:30 PM   #306
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Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
We have to wait until the thing is done before we know whether we are right or wrong.
Watchman Nee

Boy, does this kind of thinking explain a lot, or what!
Very telling. Kind of defines esoteric thinking -- must be deep and scholarly because we can't understand it. Why do Nee and Lee downplay the function of the "shallow" conscience, replacing it with some nebulous "life test?" Please explain to me "the test of life." And why did Apostle Paul waste his time exercising himself to have a conscience void of offense?
Many of God's children discern right from wrong according to the conscience. However, we should know that the human conscience is still something very shallow. Life is something much deeper than the conscience. Some things often pass the test of the conscience but may not necessarily pass the test of life. Occasionally we do things by way of "trial and error." If our conscience is clear after we have done something, we thank God for it, and if our conscience is guilty, we ask God for forgiveness. We have to wait until the thing is done before we know whether we are right or wrong.
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