Originally Posted by HERn
Wife and I were at that very meeting and both heard Benson speak those words. They were a bit of a red flag, but because I thought the LC had the right way of meeting I ignored that and other red flags. I think that if Benson’s words cause a “little one” to stumble or shipwreck their faith Benson may incur the Lord’s wrath. Jesus said it would be better to be thrown in the ocean with a millstone (an anchor) around their neck.
If those words were removed from the online publication that is evidence that the blinded brothers control what they want others to read.
Here’s a little test the saints can conduct without incurring the wrath of the blinded brothers; go to the paper Ministry Magazine and compare to the online version. If Benson’s curse is present in the written document but not in the online resource, then someone is controlling what the saints read.
I heard it from Benson, too. In Houston, more than once.
When Lee spoke his man becomes god theory in Irving, TX, I was there too. I was anxiously waiting for the written version. It left out much of what I had written in my notes.
Edition 1 of a certain Elders Training series was edited in the next edition to eliminate some of his gross remarks.
They are notorious for editing their own manuscripts and republishing.