Originally Posted by HERn
Wow! Thanks for sharing. The leaders in the LC have turned the corner into cult-like teachings. I didn’t hear of this back in 2010 and following years.
Is that the teaching that caused you to leave the LC?
To be fair, I was in the LC from before the New Way until after 2015 and never heard a leading one in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, California, Oregon, Washington, Canada, the Southeast US, mid-Atlantic seaboard say that salvation is only in the LC or by following WL/LSM. Nor have a read a message transcript of official publication stating this.
I did hear some excited members say that leaving the meetings would result in ruin and also heard Blended Brothers / WL says those who leave or oppose the LC/LSM Ministry end up badly. That's bad enough to be abusive control. Also heard that those who leave won't be overcomers and will be subject to 1000 years outer darkness; this functionally may be the same as "the fear of hell and damnation" to people, but technically is different.
Before accepting as verbatim that leading ones at official conferences now state leaving the LC or LSM Ministry results in damnation and loss of salvation, I would need a direct source in a recording of the message, transcript of the message, or publication of the message containing this language.