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Old 01-24-2022, 10:05 PM   #36
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Default Re: Prophecy - The End Times

Originally Posted by Zezima View Post
- Romans 11:17-24 discusses the church being grafted into the remnant of Israel
- Galatians 3:26-29 says that all baptized in Christ are of Abraham’s seed.
- Ephesians makes the case that the dividing wall has been broken down.
- There’s not a single verse in the Bible that teaches the temple will rebuilt a third time. Christ is the temple now, why would god expect another temple where animal sacrifices are acceptable? Seems to go against what the scripture says.

Why do you think modern day nation state Israel has to do with end times?
Being Israel and being Jewish in the Bible are far more complicated than your post implies. The same with the church and the rapture.

Yes, all those baptized into Christ are Abraham’s seed, but Abraham’s seed includes many who are not baptized into Christ.

Yes, the dividing wall has been broken down for Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ.

Yes, Jesus is the Tabernacle of God, and believers are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

Did you read my post? The Bible does not say the Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem the 3rd time, but Daniel, Jesus, and Paul point to the Temple being desecrated at the end of times. This cannot happen unless it is rebuilt.

Daniel 9 has prophesied that Israel will have one more week of 7 years, which have not yet occurred. Israel has their nation and their holy city, but they do not yet have Mt. Zion or their Temple.
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