Originally Posted by Zezima
- Romans 11:17-24 discusses the church being grafted into the remnant of Israel
- Galatians 3:26-29 says that all baptized in Christ are of Abraham’s seed.
- Ephesians makes the case that the dividing wall has been broken down.
- There’s not a single verse in the Bible that teaches the temple will rebuilt a third time. Christ is the temple now, why would god expect another temple where animal sacrifices are acceptable? Seems to go against what the scripture says.
Why do you think modern day nation state Israel has to do with end times?
Well, at least for me the first church I attended after being saved was Baptist and they taught the dispensational view of the end times, pre-tribulation rapture, etc. It wasn’t until later in my Christian life that I learned that dispensational theology was first expounded by Darby of the Brethren church, and that the early church did not teach dispensational theology in which Israel becomes reinstated as a country and the Jewish temple is rebuilt.
I think this area of theology is one where followers of Christ can have opposing views and still maintain fellowship. Although I hope that there is a pre-trib rapture, I’m not betting the farm on it.