Originally Posted by Ohio
When we typically speak of “The End Times, ” we speak of major events prophesied in scripture. Many of these center on Israel. Just read thru the whole Bible, and see if you agree with me.
For approximately 1900 years, the status of the nation of Israel was “deceased.” Many, many had predicted the end of the world before that, yet there will be no end until certain realities about Israel happened. For example, 2 Thess 2, Matt 24, and Daniel 9 all correspond and point to “someone” exalting himself in the temple of God, and desecrating it. Jesus Himself mentions this major event will occur in the future, so it could not have happened already. Neither did Vespasian nor his son Titus fit the description.
How could this happen without the nation of Israel (1948), and without the city of Jerusalem (1967) recognized as their capital (2018)? Yet these events, against all odds, have already occurred!
And how can this happen without their Temple rebuilt with the Ark of the Covenant?
History records:
Israel is one of the smallest nations on earth. Yet, the Nation of Israel has never been defeated in battle. (Since established in 1948)
In addition, “History records that Israel stands at the graves of its enemies.” David Jeremiah