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Old 01-09-2022, 02:00 PM   #4
Paul Vusik
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 196
Default Deeper Dive Into The Origins Of The Lord's Recovery

I was going to post this in the morning, but the topic was closed for future posts. I figured that I share this and see if someone else is able to see any connections between the two.

These are couple of things that I found regarding the issues of man becoming gods, in everything but the god head. Read the following description and see if it rings any bells:

“God created humans in both his spiritual and physical image, according to ***** doctrine. Because God was once like humans, humans have an opportunity to become like God. God -- which includes the three parts of God the Father (called Elohim), Jesus the son, and the Holy Ghost -- acts as one, although both Jesus and God have a body that resembles that of humans. ******* believe that Elohim became a deity when he was exalted, ascending from his human form. Likewise, human beings who become exalted have the opportunity to become like God, though this does not mean that they will become God's equal, or that they will have worshipers of their own. Instead they will share commonalities and characteristics with him. Before ****** can become exalted, they have to go through various life stages to earn the privilege. ****** believe that God's original plan for creating human beings and the rest of the universe is to afford them the opportunity to gain exaltation; that is, to become like him. God went through the process of exaltation himself, and as a result the process is open to all humans. ******* believe that after a person dies, if they become exalted they will enjoy various benefits: they will live with God, they will know full joy, they will be allowed to live with their family members for eternity.”

I read this and I thought I was reading a high pick revelation of one of those LSM publications.

***ADMIN NOTE: For the sake of clarity and proper disclosure, the portion above is the belief of the Mormon religion. See:
The Mormon Belief About Becoming a God or Goddess
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis
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