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Old 01-09-2022, 08:15 AM   #3
Paul Vusik
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 196
Default Deeper Dive Into The Origins Of The Lord's Recovery

Another big point that I think that should be noticed regarding all the teachings of TLR, is that just like with all man made systems of this world, it reveals itself in a very powerful way when it comes to two main aspects.

First, understanding who God is, and second understanding who we are. There have been and are, multiple discussions regarding the deity of Christ, denying that He is God, and man becoming god, confirming that theory even on this site by some. It’s pretty frightening that today, just like in the time of Christ walking around the earth, there are more people who would do everything to crucify Him, than those who would believe unto Him.

We live in the time when scientific data, scientific proof, give me a sign, to prove that He is God, and very few will believe the truth regarding Christ being God, condition of man, original sin, and fully completed work of Christ. The same lie that was proposed to Eve, is so enticing, so beautiful, so sweet, looks so go to the eye, that it is irresistible.

I remember when I was doing Sunday school for kids before TLR, there was a little skit that we did, where we put a bunch of different food on the table, and right in the middle we would put an empty pot upside down. We would tell the kids that they can have everything on the table, all cookies and candles, juices and all, but please don’t take anything from under the pot. If you all ate everything, we will add more, but just remember that one request.

It doesn’t take a few minutes, to almost in unison they all want to flip it over and see what’s under, touch it, feel it, hear if anything is moving. With all the things that satisfy them right in front, available in unlimited quantities, but just that pot that’s looks so enticing. That’s when you realize that it’s just our nature, it’s just a matter of time, before we need to look under the pot. And just like it happened to Eve, when she wanted to become like god, those kids realized the emptiness of it.

The question that they would always ask after, would be, “why would you even put it there, especially when it’s empty?”. But the answer is always the same, is that even though you have everything that you need to be satisfied, you need to be fed and live, to experience God for what He already done and finished and gave to everyone, there is always an internal fight to open up that forbidden thing, seek deeper meaning, get higher knowledge, experience the unknown!

The enemy of man, satan, hasn’t changed any of his tactics, nor does he need to or can. Just offer the same scam, and he will have buyers lined up around the corner, and detractors going the other way trampled by the oncoming traffic like it’s a Black Friday special. You sure will feel great about yourself after the purchase, almost like god, very close, very much satisfied for just a few moments, until you unwrap and find the emptiness of it all, and unfortunately there is no return policy available.

On top of that, it’s kind of becomes like a drug, you have to search out more deeper and more advanced, higher dosage, sell everything you have, give up everyone around you, seeking that high, until you are broke and completely ruined. It’s pretty hard to see it happening live, kind of like a horror movie that you know where it goes and how it ends.

Simple God given truths just left sitting on the table, sometimes untouched, but we sure feel empowered for that slightest of moments. As I’m going and working on putting together this puzzle and the trap that is being used to entice man into this scam, I’m coming to the conclusions that there is absolutely nothing there in that pot, just a horribly put together bouquet of dead fake flowers, collected from over the centuries of the same man, that just couldn’t resist looking under the pot, and where never satisfied from the full table in front of them!
“You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.” ― C.S. Lewis
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