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Old 01-05-2022, 07:52 AM   #299
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

The system of fathers of the world church, the clergy system of the state church, and the pastoral system of the independent churches are all the same in nature. They are all Nicolaitans. In the Bible there are only brothers. There is the gift of a pastor, but no system of pastors. The pastoral system is man's tradition. If the children of God are not willing to return to the position of that in the beginning, no matter what they do, it will not be right.

Watchman Nee, The Orthodoxy Of The Church page 38

Can we add this:
"The 'Blended Brothers' in the Local Church of Witness Lee also joined the Nicolaitans. While in the Bible there are only brothers, that does not include the so called 'Blended Brothers.' If the Blended Brothers are not willing to return to the position of that in the beginning, no matter what they do, it will not be right."
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