Originally Posted by Unregistered
I mentioned earlier about how Ricky said everything had to be for Christ and the Church. One in a message for the training Ron talked about marriage. He said a mature brother with discernment, feeling and care for the body would know if he should marry someone. Of course, the ftta trainees after they graduate are those who do most of the marrying. Ron shared previously, before the training that men needed to stop being wimps and be men. His idea of being men is going to a brother and saying they're interested in a sister and getting other saints involved. They use the story of Isaac.
So my question is what do you think of the saints getting involved in marriages. Of course, it's usually simple if you're in the church. But, the sister and brother keep it hidden until they stand up Lord's to announce their engagement.
But, if a brother or sister dates and wants to marry someone outside the church it's a big issue. And, it's only a ok if they choose to be a Christian and come into the church and choose this way. For any ftta grads you know the rule on dating. There is none. If you're in your relationship you need to end it for two years. You can't even see or communicate on breaks. If you're engaged prior you have to pause it for two years..
One more thing sister.
Some times this is comic and I am laughing at these stupid words of tired old man.
And in fact, it would be good material for stand up show, if not seriousness of thousands young people being robbed from two years of their life and simply life experiences at work, with family or friends.
This is serious and terrible.
This is brain washing school of WL. Not Bible school.
I have Bible school at home in the morning or in the evening or 3 AM 30 years now.
They rejected my application and thanks God! That was Lord's severeignty.
To read many books of WL I did not have to live and sleep in Anaheim.
Books are books. But studying and memorizing them? Are You kidding me?
Later we have such discussion and confusion in young heads.
No verses from Bible, thousands questions and all symptoms of cult victims.
What they do is Bible must fit to their facts. If not, then sorry for Bible.
Just read Bible a lot. Lord gave me some verses series this morning in Holy Spirit. I did not write it down. But I hope it is there in my spirit and I will note this on paper. It was about Word of God.
For this morning it was for my private enjoyment.
These verses are in Bible. But Lord connected so many in amazing line.
I hope to share somewhere some day...
Conclusion: Forget what is behind, read only Bible like hungry one year, and seek Lord every day.
You will see more things as they are in truth and reality.