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Old 12-30-2021, 04:07 AM   #29
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 278
Default Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?

Meetings are limited now.
I recall Ron, sitting in the room alone, saying in the beginning of one message to camera: "I hope You are there, watching me..." or something like that.
I just realized, that Lord can use tat tie to heal many and withdraw from sectarian thinking or this sect at least.

I think, most of BB are victims of over honoring them.
Now, they have no public, no choral "ameeeen!".
More time for themself. They teach one thing but probably was exercising another.
Brother having millions, is advising oters to live everyting and serve the Lord, but in fact for their goals and desires.
I call this hypocrisy.
How brother after leaving wife, can teach about faithfulness? Everything but this topic.
The same with rich saints. They invest in buildings, cemetery, companies, but very poor families struggle with daily bread.
Jesus and Paul"s ministry should be example for us.
So, for now, many thing seems to slow down, and they also started to talk more real things.
But still, no signs of " I am sorry" or we were wrong".
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