Originally Posted by Unregistered
Ok. I went back and listed to the question and answer section from Ron. Here are detailed notes.
He said because the pandemic effects mainly the sick and elderly he therefore made a decision before God not to be ruled and controlled by fear.
Now Ron says the whole pandemic is political. He doesn't trust Fauci and relies on reliables. One being Rick Scatterday. Ron got the vaccine because of his age. He respects and obey s the government within it's limits but won't blindly follow.
Lsm requires vaccine for the trainees. Not sure about trainers. Inside the conference center masks are required. Rick Scatterday said typical surgical masks don't work. Ron believes people should be able to make their own decisions regarding their health.
Said he respects the elders and leading ones decisions regarding in person or zoom meetings. But meeting on zoom may be necessary because of the environment but it's abnormal and not the church. Because the church is the assembly of the called ones. So the church is the assembling in the meeting hall with no masks and no social distancing. Anaheim is still on zoom and Ron will stay home if masks and social distancing is required. So he will wait until it's normal with no restrictions. He had fellowship with coworkers regarding a bother who was a anti vaxxxer and spreading his view among the saints.
Went in the debate of vaccines. Of being vaccinated and unvaccinated being regularly tested. Attacked a saint's question for being concerned for their health because they wanted to meet in person but other saints aren't vaccinated, don't wear masks, don't wear them properly and don't social distance. The saint had underlying conditions and Ron said the saint was in the self.
He compared vaccinated and unvaccinated, masks anti mask, zoom and in person meetings to each other as living to God. Said it's the same as eating meat and keeping the sabbath or not. Concluding, Rick Scatterday is his go to for medical advice. Ron won't criticize, protest, object or judge what he doesn't agree to. He just won't go along with it. And that he won't let fear or control him because the enemy will manipulate any situation.
Feel free to give your thoughts as this is what saints are hearing.
Kind of iRonical that RK doesn’t want fear to “control” him, but thinks nothing of regularly using fear to control others.
On the other hand, his views may seem strange for California, but are fairly prevalent in the great state of Ohio.
If you want to know the unpopular truths on this pandemic, Joe Rogan’s recent podcast with the renowned Dr. Peter McCullough is incredibly informative.