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Old 12-28-2021, 08:52 AM   #47
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 278
Default Re: LC turned me into a leftist

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Then Ron is in the minority. The Recovery is dependant on Rick Scatterday as he was Brother Lee's doctor and now is to the coworkers.

In the beginning of March last year Ron said God was answering his prayer to punish California and New York because they start and lead the trend in sin of the world. He is vaccinated but his new wife isn't. I either mentioned this in another post or this one. But he is against masks and mandates. Said it's Satan getting ready to have people take the mark of the beast willingly or by force. Ron also said that there is no scientific proof for masks effectiveness and if he is required to wear one to attend meetings he won't. Said those that meet on zoom aren't presenting their bodies and most likely won't get raptured. I think I mentioned that he said he had sources to proof that the federal government and blue states aren't telling the truth.

The rest of the coworkers take pandemic seriously. One closing bit. Ron has mentioned that the overcomers that rule the city of Las Vegas will tear and burn down the casinos and plant broccoli like God will command.
Did he say it in message ?

It would be revolutionary! Lack of oneness in headquarter in Anaheim!
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