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Old 12-28-2021, 08:33 AM   #25
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 278
Default Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
1.Ed Marks has shared previously whatever happens to us is God's sovereignty as he arranges our situations and environments. And that in each he must increase we must increase. Ed said we need to pray to God before something happens that He would wreck and destroy our personal universe so He can be God of our personal universe and not this. Before I use to just listen to this and not think much. When some things happened I was afraid and didn't know what would happen next. Im ok now when I hear this speaking and don't get frightened. But it's hard to understand and agree to.

2.I want to end that the message in the recovery is that we're in the end times and have nothing to live for except for Christ and the Church and migrating. And finishing being matured to be raptured.
Ad 1. psychological gibberish based on Bible. Would not be simpler just to quote verse from Bible? No! Because message would be too short, and the whole impression of saying something spiritual could snapped! (about what Ed said).
According Your personal experiences. It is good to ask Lord to give You some saints who will become friends in daily life and in faith.
Ron, Ed, Minoru, will not hug You when sorrow will come or thugh experience.
Good news is ( if there was such) that Lord knows, what is good for us in any time. But we have to pray and as and be sure what is His will.
General teaching will not help so that much as real saint united with You in Holy Spirit. Having compassion, heart and love to You.

Ad.2. To live for Christ? Truth!
"...and Church and migrating". Nope! Unbiblical. Lies used to excuse their plans and for programming saint to do their will.
"And finishing being matured to be raptured." Another false teaching just to engage saint in some PLAN, GOAL.
Who has to be mature. Where is that statement in Bible? Who is qualified to discern who and when is mature?
I see many times Ron saying BS like immature school boy. So silver hair is enough?
Bible school? Few dacedes of serving in denomination called Local Church?
So goal of Bride prepared or being "mature" is vaguely defined.
Sounds good but false goal.
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