Originally Posted by Zezima
Ftta is in person, but the attendees can’t go out into the community. Vaccine is required, no nights out. It’s pretty strict. Not sure what the unregistered person is taking about. Just look at ftta’s website
This is tongue-in-cheek, obviously, but I think your mistake is expecting Ron to behave in line with how he speaks on stage
"I will never go to a meeting if I have to wear a mask!" *goes to FTTA wearing mask to extol the greatness of WLee*
"I am God's deputy authority!" *Twists the Bible to oppress others*
Sometimes Ron will get "choked up" on stage talking passionately about something he wants the audience to emotionally respond to.....usually it has something to do with defending Witness Lee. But my contribution here is, Ron is not above saying one thing but yet doing another.