Originally Posted by Unregistered
1. But, then our suffering is judgement and discipline for sins of rebellion, disobedience, keeping and expressing the natural man and flesh. Or for not blessing but criticizing, condeming or speaking in a light way about others. The message was hard to follow as alot of words were strung together.
2.Basically, we ate dinner, sang song, prayed, opened presents and had a good time. After I told my dad he walked away disturbed band said it's a pagan holiday. Demonic, Satanic, and a mixture of religion and the world. I had a great time and received presents while he and my mom stayed home two nights insisting they were making a stand for God, the truth and the Church.
1. The point in cult or sects or deception is, that there is always some Truth.
Another catastrophe in LC is the overload of information and teaching.
It does not work this way. Hunger or number of answers should follow number of given questions.
On FTTA are mostly people aged 20-25. Having hope, good will, open heart they are told ( or given impression) that here, during FTTA they will be equipped to live gooood Christian life to "fulfill God's economy".
2. You share a lot of Your experience here.
Our point of view is all the time changing during life time. It includes our knowledge of Christ.
From kids point of view, Christmass is nice event. Many saints still celebrate this holiday. Having good knowledge or bad, seeing spiritual reality or not, but they celebrate.
It is not about condemning, but growth in Heavenly Kingdom.
But Scripture says, that ones celebrate days, oter do not. It is not reason to make division.
The question for mature saints is, what they can do and how cooperate with God, to cause others growth, wich will cause them to drop bad and empty things.
So this is delicate matter, how far others can interrupt us and be involved in our growth.
This is up to us mostly.
But bad workers, giving too much food at once and in bad time, also can make demages in others life.