Originally Posted by Unregistered
I did not want to post this update on Jo's Facebook account on her original post. Because I don't know if it's still active with the account and don't want to provoke a bee's nest or open a can of worms. Because even though I believe 100 instantly unfriended her and others flat out blocked her members of the church are still her friends to monitor.
Anyways, the churches are in the midst of the winte training and two years later James Lee has not forgot about Jo. In message 5 he attacked her. He spent time talking about disobedience, deputy authority, self, flesh and rebellion. The message was on Amalek.
James said being possessed by a demon is more serious and severe than witchcraft, etc. He was trying to say the above points will allow or invite a demon to enter a person. And that the demon is so subtle and clever. Said this was in the last rebellion of 2 years ago. Keep in mind I recently red Jo's letter band then listened to the ftta fellowship regarding it.
James said the demon is so clever and subtle yet vicious and aggressive in how it writes and talks. I immediately knew he was talking about our sister. Yes she is my sister.
Anyways, I felt to share this. I have been in the church my whole life. But over the years things didn't seem right in the training speaking which I didn't agree. I just left it fly during the conferences and the trainings. I'm still in the church because my parents have been in over 40 years and my dad is a leading one in our locality and know among the elders and co workers.
And a huge issue would be made if I left or attempted to leave because the coworkers are pushing that we are in the end times.
One last thing. I recently learned that my mom was sexual assaulted 30 years ago. He was a older brother a leading one. Maybe a elder. He was invited over to our house and was talking to my dad. My mom prepared snacks and went out to bring them in the house. My dad didn't come in the house right away. The guy came behind and grabbed and fondled her breasts. My mom shocked and scared broke loose and ran away scared in side and didn't tell my dad until recently. Later on her best friend back then said she was also sexually assaulted by the same guy. On three occasions he kissed her in the lips. He was doing maintenance work at a brother's business and she was a secretary. He always showed up when she was alone. And afterwards told her that she knows both of them needed it.
I have learned that his son is one of those that have committed sexual assault several times in the past.
Please, I beg of you, pay attention to the "things didn't seem right" and "which I didn't agree" parts of you that are raising the red flags. I was a church kid too, and I spent so many years walking around with those red flags not even knowing they were red flags, but instead, thinking I was the problem and that God hated me.
I thoroughly understand the "a huge issue would be made if I left" etc. I know numerous members who are directly and indirectly related to elders, co-workers, big and small, and I can tell you - no matter who you are, you can leave. It is possible. It won't be easy, and there will be slander about you, and relationships will be damaged, but if God is calling you to, you can leave.
Can I ask you - do you think there is an issue before God if you left? In other words, do you know that God is okay with you leaving the local church, and your main issue is with the people's reactions? Or do you think that there is actually a spiritual issue with leaving, and that God would not be happy?
I am so saddened and angry to hear about what happened to your mom 30 years ago. It sounds like she walked alone with that burden for almost three decades. That kind of experience can bring deep shame and guilt to a person who did nothing to deserve the shame and guilt.
All the shame, all the blame, all the guilt goes upon the head of the leading brother who perpetrated the assault upon your mom. All of it. And for him to tell her that both of them, including her, "needed it" means he is a calculated predator. After he sexually assaulted her, his speaking to her this way is continued psychological abuse and manipulation.
The other full brunt of the blame goes upon the head of the co-workers and elders who teach "covering the brothers" and "submitting to deputy authority". The local church protects sin and abuses victims. I don't know your situation near well enough to give a specific response (nor am I remotely qualified to), but I hope your mom can receive some kind of Christian counseling or can come to understand the dynamics of sexual and spiritual abuse and that she is not to blame. We have had a few posts by an "unregistered" the past couple days, and I'm not sure if they are the same person. If not, I'll recommend to you the same I recommended on another post.......that you get these two books:
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by Johnsen and VanVonderen, and
Healing Spiritual Abuse by Ken Blue
They don't deal so much with sexual abuse, but with the false teachings about how churches like this continue to hurt victims who have already been hurt. If you want information on sexual abuse in the church, Diane Langberg is a wonderful proponent and advocate.
That's a talk of hers on misuse of authority in the church. I cannot recall if she speaks about sexual abuse in that video, but she does have other excellent video talks on YouTube about sexual abuse and the heart of God to those who have been abused. If I can find some, I will post them here.
Please continue to post here if you'd like. We welcome your perspective, thoughts, experiences, and insight.