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Old 12-27-2021, 05:22 PM   #21
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 278
Default Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I also met Minoru Chen once. I rode in the Bfa van before and took it to a city where he was holding a mini conference. One of the brothers I rode with knew him well. During lunch he introduced me to Minoru. Minoru just said hi and then excused himself to pray with the leading brothers of that locality for his message that night. I spent 3 days driving cross country. In the van I joked why minoru wasn't in the van. And, instead flying. The brother said minoru's time is much important than ours. Like 10 times more. I have also talked to some fulltimers who have reached out to coworkers for fellowship but we're ignored and not given the time of day.

One last thing. Minoru told us young working saints to make less money and have a simple life to give more time to God and gain Him. How does this work when Minoru is a multi millionaire and his cousin Ronnie Chen is a Billionaire? The saying is God only allows some saints that are humble about their money to become successful.

Thanks for the fellowship.
I am so sorry for no verses this time

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Forget what they told you. You want the truth, follow the money.
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