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Old 12-27-2021, 04:40 PM   #20
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The coworkers said we need to be broken down completely to concecrate ourselves. That God wants nothing natural good or bad. Only Christ in you. That you need to be in prisioned in Him. But also being His reproduction in life and natural. But then God is always searching and judging you.

But, before you are broken down you have to realize that you're nothing and can do nothing. When you're in the stage of transformation if you keep anything you will be punished and suffer God's judgement for rebellion and disobedience. The coworkers believe if you have a problem the problem is with you. Because you're not enjoying God, in the self, mind, flesh and refuse to be broken and balanced my another saint or deputy authority.
If God only wants Christ in you...well....He's already got Christ. He doesn't need us if all He wants is Christ.

God and Christ are never represented as a prison or as our jailers. They are our Father, our brother, our bridegroom, our Savior, etc.... It's the devil who would want us to think of them as our prison.

The Lord's Recovery does a great job of misrepresenting God.

Just to try to hammer it home a little bit, this statement of yours I've bolded above (which absolutely is the view in the local churches) is talked about in books about spiritual abuse and abusive churches.

...the difference between an abusive and non-abusive system is that while hurtful behaviors might happen in both, it is not permissible to talk about problems, hurts and abuses in the abusive system. Hence, there is no healing and restoration after the wound has occurred, and the victim is made to feel at fault for questioning or pointing out the problem. (The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse)

There are many, many countless reasons why Christians "out there" call the local church a cult, or an unhealthy, aberrant group.

I'll try to respond to the rest of your post when I have some more time.

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