Re: What is the point of control? What do they want?
Thanks for your reply. Most older saints, the Chinese just listen to the messages and let it go over their head. The older Caucasian brothers and Chinese elders and coworkers take it serious . And push it on the young working saints and their locality.
The coworkers said we need to be broken down completely to concecrate ourselves. That God wants nothing natural good or bad. Only Christ in you. That you need to be in prisioned in Him. But also being His reproduction in life and natural. But then God is always searching and judging you.
But, before you are broken down you have to realize that you're nothing and can do nothing. When you're in the stage of transformation if you keep anything you will be punished and suffer God's judgement for rebellion and disobedience. The coworkers believe if you have a problem the problem is with you. Because you're not enjoying God, in the self, mind, flesh and refuse to be broken and balanced my another saint or deputy authority.
Sorry so much but I have a good memory and want to get this out there. Beyond just the teachings I want to ask about real life situations.
Ron recently shared. And there is a feeling about the young people mainly about the young working saints that you're mentally ill and short of demon possessed. Ron said that saints need take medicine before he will fellowship with them because it's bio chemical. But Brother Lee said you just need Jesus.
On the matter of divorce how come elders say when a sister comes with the problem they're not the ones under the headship of Christ. I know of situations where elders have lectured and wrote letters to wives. Some sisters were so messed up they actually attacked the leading brothers physically. If the wives can't take it the elders or leading ones say because it's not cheating and fornication they can only seperate. I know some, they're no longer in the church who considered suicide.
And this last thing which you will find odd and interesting. At building 8 during the construction there was a full time sister who was the safety officer. Building 8 is the new conference center. I volunteered down there once. As I was coming back from lunch she pointed and screamed at me from afar. I stopped and she caught up to me. She pointed at the ground and said if you hit that you're in big trouble and will cost us alot of money. It was a large extension cord which I already knew about.
While I was there a new brother volunteered. Within hours she noticed and ambushed him. The brother was casually coming back from lunch and she got in his face like a military drill Sargent. One last thing. Which I couldn't believe. A brother came to the job site with no steel toe boots on. He was in shorts too. The brothers and sisters were talking about how the sister safety officer would lose it. She ambushed this brother and made him get on his knees and apologize several times in front of her. Saints were coming and going on the job site that he would never break the rules again.
She was a ftta grad and went full time. So how could she then have the headship. Brothers tried to tame her but she wouldn't listen and they were afraid of her.
I also met Minoru Chen once. I rode in the Bfa van before and took it to a city where he was holding a mini conference. One of the brothers I rode with knew him well. During lunch he introduced me to Minoru. Minoru just said hi and then excused himself to pray with the leading brothers of that locality for his message that night. I spent 3 days driving cross country. In the van I joked why minoru wasn't in the van. And, instead flying. The brother said minoru's time is much important than ours. Like 10 times more. I have also talked to some fulltimers who have reached out to coworkers for fellowship but we're ignored and not given the time of day.
One last thing. Minoru told us young working saints to make less money and have a simple life to give more time to God and gain Him. How does this work when Minoru is a multi millionaire and his cousin Ronnie Chen is a Billionaire? The saying is God only allows some saints that are humble about their money to become successful.
Thanks for the fellowship.