Originally Posted by Unregistered
I'm still in the church and we are in the middle of a training. It seems the coworkers share the same messages. Ed Marks shared about having to being broken and experiencing the lesson of the cross. The natural man having to be broken. Said God will put you in situations to where you are utter helpless and can only cry out and depend on Him to gain Him. To the point of utter despair.
And again they don't forget the rebellions. Ed shared and said that a coworker who rebelled and left did so because his natural man was never broken. Your thoughts? Even though I have heard this many times.
This kind of statement by Ed Marks about a co-worker is what is known as an "ad hominem attack". It just disparages the person with unverifiable claims. Like Jo Casteel was labelled "rebellious" or "leprous". These are fear-based words designed to make people turn away from the "unwanted" or "diseased" member in order to distract from the truth of the things she was saying. This is a well-worn tactic in abusive churches.
Unregistered, I would strongly encourage you to get the following two books:
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by Johnsen and VanVonderen
Healing Spiritual Abuse by Ken Blue