Originally Posted by Unregistered
I'm still in the church and we are in the middle of a training. It seems the coworkers share the same messages. Ed Marks shared about having to being broken and experiencing the lesson of the cross. The natural man having to be broken. Said God will put you in situations to where you are utter helpless and can only cry out and depend on Him to gain Him. To the point of utter despair.
And again they don't forget the rebellions. Ed shared and said that a coworker who rebelled and left did so because his natural man was never broken. Your thoughts? Even though I have heard this many times.
Originally Posted by Ohio
Sounds like a message to drug addicts and alcoholics, telling them how they need to hit “rock bottom” and cry out to their higher power before they can be delivered from their addictions. To them “broken” means utterly dependent and obedient to the mandates of some LaPalma Avenue book publisher.
The idea of breaking of the “natural man”, is totally a foreign Biblical concept. It’s has no foundation on/in the Word of God. The ministry of Jesus Christ while he was in the world, was to fulfill the law, and to bring in the redemption to man. His perfect human life, is imputed to us or given to us as a gift of salvation. We as born again believers, are instructed to put to death the WORKS OF THE FLESH, deal with the desires of the flesh, and not to be destroying our human nature which was created in the image of God. Satan, just loves to see people focused on destroying the image of God, rather than one is dealing with the works of the flesh. Although subtle, but deadly difference, that I believe is plaguing the teachings and the instructions to people today. It’s all stems and roots in the foundational believes that man will become god, just not in the godhead, which is a total lie and deception.