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Old 12-22-2021, 04:53 PM   #297
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Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

One gets the impression from Nee that the Bible was not nearly as important as Christians generally consider it. In his book The Ministry of God’s Word, Nee says, "Words alone cannot be considered God’s Word." In this book, Nee becomes very philosophical, mystical and incoherent.
He says that only as we deliver the Word in terms of the "reality behind it," using what he calls "Holy Spirit memory" and "presenting the pictures as well as speaking the words" will the words be correct; otherwise they are not real.
"Watching Out For Watchman Nee" G. Richard Fisher
One could claim that Nee is saying there is a reality behind the words that the words by themselves cannot fully convey. And that would be true. All biblical interpretation contains some element of subjectivity.

But this fact is actually a refutation of the idea that anyone can be the final arbiter on what the Bible means. That is, that anyone could be the minister of the age. Because ultimately what one is dealing with is the subjective view of a person whose view may be influenced by the Holy Spirit and many not be. Or may be partially to any degree possible, from 0% to 100%.

Thus Nee in this statement is actually giving us reason NOT to believe that any minister of the age can actually exist, and NOT to believe that anyone who claims to be such should be accepted as such.

Yet Nee asserted that a MOTA could exist, as did Lee, which shows they were both contradictory, and confused.
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