Originally Posted by UntoHim
I wanted to briefly address this post from Robert because I think it's a fair and legitimate concern.
I hope nobody took my post personally as accusation.
It was just my free thought.
I am aware of false teachings and hidden deceptive and false claims.
But it does not change meaning of what I said.
I am glad that You chose quotes carefully.
Trapped gave good example of more clear mixed and false teaching.
1,2,3 sentences and then... BANG! So stupid and extreme example given by WN.
Generally, I think, WN and WL went too far with explaining and interpretation of our spiritual experiences.
Only people not familiar with Word of God can believe, that they were MOTA.
Brothers? I think Yes. Special, gifted? Somehow- Yes.
But MOTA? Uhmmm... rather not!
edit: I commented only posted quote ( about "being attached"). Whatever was before and after- only that part.