Originally Posted by Trapped
I get there is a way to say that we must follow the Lord above people when He is asking us to. But this doesn't mean we toss all people aside all the time in the name of "loving God". That is contrary to the Bible.
Dear, Trapped!
I fully understand and agree with, that their ministry was as it was ( no need to describe).
As You know, in bread is flour and leaven.
We can find in their teaching flour and leaven.
Whatever You add from that book as "context" will be just another part to deal with.
I've commented only that certain quote.
This certain quote was not bad by itself.
According another piece You attached is the same situation. Some sentences are in line with our experiences and Word, but some are stupid, philosophical and deceptive.
That is why I do not read their works anymore.
But one think I can admit: I got really good skill to find all those hidden leaven among good flour.
After I left this corporation I strongly recommend saints to read only Bible to detox.