Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday
This is what is before the quote in question:
The first thing we should consecrate are the people we love. If a man does not love the Lord more than his parents, wife, children, and friends, he is not worthy to be the Lord's disciple. If you have consecrated yourself to the Lord, there should be no one in this world that can occupy your heart and nothing that can capture your heart any longer. God saves you in order to gain you wholly. Many tears pull you back. Many human sentiments bid you to return to them. Many heartbreaks persuade you to turn back. You have to say, "Lord, all my relationships with men are on the altar. My relationship with the whole world is over."
When the wife of a brother was sick, and others asked him to pray for his wife, he said, "God has not told me to pray for her yet!" When another asked whether he would grieve if his wife died, he said, "She has died to me already." Another brother had a good friend, and God wanted him to drop this friend. He could only obey. He told the Lord, "If You want this, I am willing to give it up."
This is common of Nee/Lee's ministry. What they say in the previous part, the first two sentences, about being worthy to be the Lord's disciple, is from the Bible.
But then the next part where he claims that means "no one in this world can occupy your heart" is wrong. It produces conclusions like "my wife should not occupy my heart AT ALL." And then we get sad stories of sick wives doing the dishes and husbands coming home and leaving their wife in silence as they go to bed because they don't want to "be natural" or "of their selves" or in this case, be concerned about "my wife occupying my heart."
Nee seemingly elaborates and gives real-world examples of being the Lord's disciple, but the example is NOT from the Bible. The Bible already tell us to pray! We CAN pray unceasingly.......and are not kept from praying until God tells us to. Someone basically saying they would not grieve if their wife died? All of these things are descriptions of, like, stoicism or something......not regenerated human beings.
I get there is a way to say that we must follow the Lord above people when He is asking us to. But this doesn't mean we toss all people aside all the time in the name of "loving God". That is contrary to the Bible.
The commands are to love God and love people.
Nee's commands seem to be love God and withdraw/turn your back on/do not get attached to/be cold towards people.