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Old 12-10-2021, 08:16 AM   #289
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 278
Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post

When Watchman Nee says "God will not allow you to become attached to your wife"......this is not simply 'taken out of context'. It is a lie. It is not true. It reminds me of some of those pop-Christian YouTube videos out there with thumbnails that say things like "10 weird things God will do before He allows a special person to come into your life!" Actually that's a bad doesn't remind me of them because it's much worse than them.

It's not according to biblical truth. It is not defensible. It belongs in the dark because it is not of the light. It DOES indeed fall into the first category of "unbiblical idea".

You absolutely CAN be attached to your wife, and STILL give God the pre-eminence. "Becoming one flesh" while simultaneously "not being attached" is just more nonsense from Watchman Nee.

I explained my point of view or interpretation in post before one You quoted.
Just read it. You answered to additional which makes no sense.
No need to repeat it. However I do agree with You about thousands others his philosophical mixtures of word of God and his ideas.
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