Originally Posted by UntoHim
You're right Watchman, Abraham did obey God and put his son on the alter, but Abraham didn't have to actually sacrifice him, now did he? But this is what Nee is requiring of believers, and it is hideous, and it is unbiblical, and it is dangerous. In 2 Timothy 3 the apostle Paul linked "without natural affection" with "lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive" and a number of other despicable traits. Some translations use the word "heartless". Watchman Nee is asking believers to be heartless to our spouse, our children and our friends. The God of the Bible does not ask us to be heartless to anyone, much, much less to those to whom we are the closest-
Absolutely. Once again Nee/Lee is calling something good evil and something evil good. They uplift and promote the abhorrent and twisted, and condemn what is really of God.......but they do it in such a way that it slips past all the minds that have been told to stop functioning when they walk through the meeting hall doors.
Thank you for providing one of the few places where this kind of behavior can be exposed!