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Old 11-26-2021, 08:27 PM   #1
Paul Vusik
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 196
Default Deeper Dive Into The Origins Of The Lord's Recovery

Hello again,

For those who are interested in doing more research and understandings on why TLR is not a Biblical Christianity, or Bible based church, please read the following articles that I think is a great information for anyone that want to know the truth, and origins of these heresies.

Based on his own writing in the history of the church, there are couple of names that stand alone, that had extreme influence on both of the man who created this system.(there are other major names in the article). Especially, the majority of the foundational principles were established by Nee, and taken to the extreme by the other man. These articles, with all data, and references have been put together are very long, and substantive. It will take time to go over them, and its not worth to redo someones great work of putting this out for people to read, so I will just add links to it, and whoever is interested can study and know for themselves.

There is a lot of work to unravel the yarn that has been spun by the TLR, but it’s worth every minute of ones time if you have it, and want to warn and post as much as it can be, so that the true christians, don’t get entangled with this.

The first one is deeper dive into the background and teachings of both men:

The second, is regarding the woman that was according to LSM website, was one of the people that the so called Recovery originated or was started with. There is a lot to this total heretic, but this is just a bases of what she was all about.

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