"One thing is unmistakable: the soul is affected by outside influences, but not the spirit. For example, when the soul is provided with beautiful scenery, serene nature, inspiring music, or many other phenomena pertaining to the external world, it can be moved instantly and respond strongly. Not so the spirit. Hence those that are genuinely spiritual can be active whether or not their soul has feeling or their body has strength. -- WN"
We have to distinct OT experiences from NT. I did some home study last time about spirit and soul in OT. We can see there words "spirit" and "soul" used in same situations interchangeably. Undoubtedly OT people had no experience of the same Holy Spirit as NT believers.
What WN said is actually my experience too. For me it does not sounds foolish. I do agree with whole quoted words of WN above. We can experience it and this is scriptural. We can have peace and unshaken position In Chris Jesus. No matter what happen in our soul and body. This connection or state of heart is called FAITH. During live time we can experience what is from soul and what is from spirit.