Re: Reactions to Articles @ ShepherdingWords.Com
About immorality few words.
I heard yesterday sister sharing about truths on line during conference.
She and her husband was in LC. They had big problems in marriage life.
Brother got no help from saints and me was not enough to help.
No body was interested to apply biblical way of fellowshiping and visiting and prayer.
All saint was focused on positive things, and avoid anything which sounds deadly and poisoning.
Result is, that this sensitive brother left home to save his mental health.
There are many stories like this but this was not my point.
There is another sister, which started to live in sin, telling others " so what, that sister could also do it..."
Just like school girl excusing herself.
This sad!
And what is interesting all they can connect on line and share while many sisters know about situation.
And when anybody wants to report anything brother or bring to fellowship, then nobody is mature enough to go and correct saints, bring to sanctification or just simply rebuke.
I know all of them and I am really sad seeing this double life.
And what they say always is : "Yes, we pray for them..."