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Old 11-18-2021, 06:45 AM   #287
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Default Re: YouTube Channel Discusses the Local Church

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
Cal, just wanted to say that there are lots messages being sent in one-on-one communication among former members when your videos come out. Things like "Cal just put out a new video!", "We watched Cal's new episode last night; you will find such-and-such part very helpful!" and "He really nailed it so clearly about the control!" etc, etc.

Just wanted to pass that along so you know many people continue to be so helped by your channel, even if the comments and gratitude occur behind the scenes rather than where you actually see them on this forum or on the channel itself.

Grateful for your continued examination of the Lord's Recovery!


Thank you, T! That means a lot. I appreciate your and everyone else's support and prayers!
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