Originally Posted by Cal
This is the fruit of the Deputy Authority teaching, showing it to be a doctrine of demons.
There is a hint about deputy authority in the bible, but my understanding is that it refers to secular authorities, not church authorities.
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (etc) Romans 13:1-5.
I agree. The authorities we are subject to are the established civil authorities. Believers, siblings, have no scriptural authority over each other. Parents do have scriptural authority over their own children.
From Matt Anderson on
In order to establish sound doctrine, it is necessary to separate prescriptive instruction in the Bible from descriptive instruction. While the Bible does communicate heavily through word pictures, parables and analogies we have to be aware of the separation between the prescriptive aspects of the Word of God and the descriptive ones. This is especially important when it comes to establishing sound (i.e. healthy) doctrine.
The support for singular leaders to support the modern day concepts of church hierarchy (one sibling having authority over other siblings) is not prescriptive and only minor evidence can be found in the descriptive text. The descriptive text should not be taken in a direction that is different from the prescriptive teaching of Jesus on the same type of subject matter. Descriptive text should be understood in light of prescriptive portions of scripture.
Matt does note this distinction that there may not be
the transfer of authority to a person EXCEPT for the scope of a message that is being delivered. This matches the idea of transmitted authority, not positional authority. The scope of the authority is limited to a specific action or message and does not grant permanent rights.